• News
  • 2 March, 2010

Official Response From Yahoo Regarding AT&T Android Phone Release

We received the following official response from a Yahoo spokesperson regarding the AT&T Android Phone announcement:

“We are happy that AT&T has chosen Yahoo! Search as the default mobile search service on the Motorola Backflip, AT&T’s first Android device. We have a long-standing relationship with AT&T and more than 80 carrier partnerships around the world for our award-winning mobile search experience.   Mobile search continues to be a focus for investment and innovation at Yahoo!. It is an important part of our range of mobile Internet services, which include our popular mobile home page, apps for iPhone and other leading platforms, Yahoo! Mail and Messenger and others Yahoo! services.”

Is this is a good thing or a bad thing that Google now has some competition for the default applications on Android phones?  Let us know what you think.