
Official Samsung Galaxy Alpha wallpapers are available Now

Samsung Galaxy Alpha wallpapersSamsung, despite what you think about their devices plethora of devices, have always delivered vibrant and inspired wallpapers with each of their smartphones – most recently the Samsung Galaxy S5 – and the release of the Samsung Galaxy Alpha today is no different. Thanks to SamMobile, we have 9 official Samsung Galaxy Alpha wallpapers, each of which exhibits Samsung’s penchant for saturated colours and abstract composition. As expected, the 1280×720 resolution of the Galaxy Alpha means that each of the wallpapers is optimized to be 1280×1280.

For the rest of the Samsung Galaxy Alpha wallpapers, please visit our gallery here.

The Samsung Galaxy Alpha was officially announced today, strongly rumoured to be Samsung’s answer to the rumoured release of the iPhone 6. It exhibits quite a few hallmarks of iPhone devices – lack of microSD expansion, nano-SIM slot, metal frame with chamfered edges – but marks a significant departure from Samsung’s standard, plastic Galaxy design. Even adopting the expected form factor of the iPhone 6 with a 4.7-inch display, Samsung looks set to do battle with its bitterest of rivals in the smartphone market, and with a taste of their own medicine, no less.

What do you think of the Samsung Galaxy Alpha wallpapers? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: SamMobile