
Official Twitter App Released. Downside is it’s Android 2.1 Only.

Today, Twitter, Inc. released there very own Twitter application for the Android platform.  The down side is that the application required Android 2.1 or above.

Initial impressions are very good.  It’s has a really nice and polished interface and lots of animation, which can be turned off.  Even the birds are flying and the clouds are moving across the screen.

Twitter for Android has some serious integration with your android phone; contacts can be synchronized with the existing contacts on your phone, Google maps can be used to tweet your location and photos shared with a snap of your finger.

We’ll be checking this out once we get more chance to play with it.

For now, here’s the release info from the Twitter Blog:

When we tweet what’s happening around us, we share not only our thoughts, but also web pages, photos, videos, location…anything. Mobile phones are increasingly part of our lives, and we seem to be doing everything but making phone calls. Reading the news, watching a YouTube video, and taking photos at events like the World Cup are things we expect to do on mobile phones – sharing our experiences on these little screens should be just as easy and fast as on big ones.

When apps work well with each other, sharing becomes as second nature on machines as it does in person. The Android platform is really good at that, and we’ve worked with the Android team to make it super easy to share what’s happening. Today we are excited to announce that Twitter for Android is available in Android Market!

Twitter for Android is a fantastic application to use, and sharing any link or photo is super simple too – just look for the share button in your favorite application and choose Twitter.

Reading tweets is easy in a bunch of places on your phone. Quickly access your timeline with the home screen widget, view a tweet location on a map, and see your friend’s latest tweet in your phonebook, GoogleTalk list or any application that uses Android’s QuickContact bar.

We had a great time working with the Android team and are thrilled that Google will be open sourcing the code used in this app in the near future. We look forward to the amazing experiences developers will create using Twitter APIs in their upcoming Android apps.

This is just the beginning. We’ll be creating more great ways to read, find, and share what’s happening on your Android phone soon!

(The Twitter for Android app is available for phones running Android 2.1 and above – just scan the barcode to the right. Don’t forget, you can always visit on your phone to use Twitter)

As soon as we get more chance to play, we’ll bring you more.  For now you can download the app from the Android Market using the QRCode below: