
Official Xbox LIVE app released to Android from Microsoft

You can be an Android fan boy until the day you die, but if you think that other companies don’t recognize the power of Android and the sheer number of users, you are nuts. People seem to forget that just because Microsoft is technically a competitor in the mobile sphere, they still want their services to be used. Microsoft, as a whole, has quite a few apps out for Android that help promote and use their services. Now we have one more that is sure to make people jump for joy.

Microsoft has just release an app to the Play Store entitled ‘My Xbox Live.’ While of course the app doesn’t let you jump head first into a game of Modern Combat 3, it does help you stay connected to your gamer friends and your avatar. With My Xbox Live you are able to track and compare your achievements with all your LIVE friends, message your LIVE friends and edit you 3D avatar. The app also gives you access to Xbox Spotlight feeds, game tips and tricks breaking Xbox LIVE news and much more.

It doesn’t look half bad and for those die hard Xbox gamer’s out there, this could be a great addition to your arsenal. The reviews for the app seem to be doing very well so far, but we are seeing tablet support issues. Come on Microsoft, step up the game. The app icon needs some work, and just looking at the screenshots you can see how they forced in their Metro style in app icons. It is a start, right?

Feel free to pick up the new My Xbox Live app below by clicking or scanning the QR code. Oh, you do have to have an Xbox LIVE account in order to sign in. This should be a given, but we know how the world works.

Application: My Xbox LIVE
Developer: Microsoft Corporation
Cost: FREE