
Offline Maps Can Still Be Used In Google Maps, Using “OK Maps”

offline mapsAs many of you would have noticed in the new version of Google Maps, Google Latitude is no longer supported, and as it turns out, will only be supported for one more month. Another feature people have noticed missing is the offline maps feature, which is an invaluable tool in Google Maps, particularly when exploring somewhere where your mobile data isn’t assured.

Well, according to Google‘s blog, the feature still is still there, it’s just not in the most intuitive location. Or at a location at all. Rather, to save an area for offline use, once you are viewing the map space you want to save, you type “OK Maps” into the search bar at the top. Like I said, not intuitive. I can’t imagine how many people are going to forget that and better still, the people who haven’t heard of the command yet will have no idea.

It does seem like this new Google Maps app, while gorgeous and slick, is still a bit rough and frayed at the edges. Hopefully they clear up all of these soon and implement the features we expect from Google Maps. How are you finding the new Google Maps? Let us know your thoughts about the app in the comments.

Source: Google Blog via Phandroid