
Offline mode to make its way to standard Google Maps Install

Offline mode of Google Maps has been a wonderful addition to the service. It was introduced some time ago in the labs section for those that dared to play with it. It did have some limitations though. It offered a way to cache your map inside your device, provided you had a route already set. It was pretty handy if you planned to be going somewhere that you were uncertain of the service area. What it lacked though was the ability to download a complete area, for instance, the entire city you would be traveling in. That will be changing soon though. While downloading complete areas is a perk, complete states and country’s would be even better. We will take every little bit of goodness that Google can offer us though. No word on exactly when this addition will be launched and updated to our device, nor what Android OS version will be supported. Engadget did some prodding though and are under the assumption that if Google Maps Navigation is supported on your device, so will offline mode. We shall see ‘soon’.

Source: Engadget