
OnePlus is doing something right: OnePlus 2 pop-up in Times Square kills it

While I don’t think we’re ever going to stop being skeptical about OnePlus’ marketing stunts, their latest device, the OnePlus 2, appears to have garnered quite a lot of attention from the masses in the lead up to the device’s launch – it managed to pack out one corner of Times Square when they put up a OnePlus 2 pop-up in Times Square to show off their device to the public. As you can see from the photo, there are literally lines of people waiting to get a glimpse of the phone – the possibility of getting an invite also probably helped.

New York isn’t the only place that OnePlus is hosting a pop-up store – San Francisco, London, Paris, Berlin, Milan, New Dehli, Bangalore, and Jakarta will also be seeing tents, presumably filled with OnePlus’ executives and the OnePlus 2. Regardless of what you think of the “2016 Flagship Killer”, it’s hard to argue with results – particularly with 1 million people signed up for invites – and that number of genuinely interested fans is hard to fake.

Source: The Verge via Phandroid