
OnePlus OxygenOS is finally live and it looks a lot like stock Android

For some time now, owners  of the OnePlus One smartphone have been eagerly awaiting the release of OnePlus OxygenOS, a new operating system being worked on by OnePlus to replace its existing CyanogenMod offering. Finally, the time for its release has arrived, and OnePlus has released a video for prospective users to take a look at a few of the features – check it out below:

What you will notice is that the appearance of OxygenOS is quite like that of stock Android, and you’d have to be a connoisseur of Android 5.0 Lollipop to be able to point out any notable differences. As OnePlus explains, the reason they have even bothered with a homegrown operating system is so that “we can quickly respond to user feedback and make it easier for you to continue playing a fundamental role in the future of OnePlus”, which makes sense and should make OnePlus’ next devices even more robust as a system. OnePlus says that they have put more emphasis on “performance and battery life over gimmicks and bloated features” which sounds great, but we’ll just have to see if they have been true to their word.

And of course, if you own a OnePlus One, you can download OnePlus’ take on Android 5.0.2 here.

What do you think about the release of OnePlus OxygenOS? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: OnePlus via The Verge