
OnePlus responds to the Apple iPhone 6 Plus, welcomes it to the “Plus” family

OnePlus responds to the Apple iPhone 6 PlusIn something that is becoming a bit of a tradition for the young company, OnePlus responds to the Apple iPhone 6 Plus by posting the above image via their Facebook page and offering yet another OnePlus One to win and more invites. As with many of OnePlus’ marketing campaigns, this one is no less confusing as it doesn’t really say anything, nor does it really compare their OnePlus One with the iPhone 6 Plus, at least, not explicitly. Of course, that doesn’t mean we can’t.

As we know, both devices have a 5.5-inch display, but that’s essentially where the similarities end. The OnePlus One has an almost-top-of-the-line quadcore Snapdragon 801 clocked at 2.5GHz with 3GB RAM, a 13MP camera and a 3,100mAh battery. Contrasting this is the iPhone 6 Plus which has a dualcore Cortex A8 64-bit processor running at 1.4GHz, 1GB RAM, 8MP OIS and 2,915mAh. While that might look like a win for the OnePlus One, the devil is always in the detail and the iPhone 6 Plus, like its predecessors, will likely have an extremely optimized experience – now with 64-bit architecture – that will generally equal or outstrip the performance of many an Android device, the OnePlus One included.

Of course, the one thing the OnePlus One does have going for it is price, which starts at $299 for the 16GB version off-contract, and is likely much better value than the $299 on-contract asking price for the 16GB iPhone 6 Plus.

Still, we’re all Android fans here, so what do you think about OnePlus’ attempt to piggy-back on the news of Apple‘s device releases? Let us know your thoughts below.

Source: Facebook via Android Authority