
Oprah cuts the line to get a HTC Evo first

File this one under life isn’t fair. It seems Oprah has traded in her MyTouch and now gets her Android on with a HTC Evo from Sprint before it even lands in stores.  While she wasn’t directly promoting the device, she does show it off and casually mention it during her show as part of the “No Phone Zone” campaign, in which people sign a pledge not to use their phones while driving, or to use it with a hands-free device.  She has a habit of giving her audience members gifts of products she loves,  maybe we’ll be seeing an Evo giveaway soon.

For a refresher on why you’re going to want a HTC Evo, see here.

UPDATE: Looks like the video was made private, so here is a picture of Oprah instead.

[Source Oprah,AndroidCentral]