
Orders confirm NVIDIA Tegra 3 chip going into the HTC Edge

Technology moves faster than our budgets and contracts seem too. We start out loving our single-core device, only to see dual-core start hitting the market. You finally get enough cash to snag one and BAM! here comes quad-core. They aren’t readily available in handset just yet, but they are on their way.

Just yesterday we saw a NVIDIA press invite with some great little bits of info about Tegra 3 hitting handsets and being shown off at MWC. Today we catch another little tidbit of information from DigiTimes. They are confirming that NVIDIA is shipping Tegra 3 chips to HTC to use in their newest flagship device, the HTC Edge. Being that HTC is a tried and true user of Qualcomm chips, a variation on components would help give HTC something new and different finally. Instead of various dual-core chips clocked differently.

There apparently is also confirmation that LG is picking up the T3 for the Optimus X3 and Fujitsu for its Arrows tablet. Looks to be a great year for NVIDIA and for manufacturers if things pan out. I can’t wait to see what devices get to see the hands of the press later this month.

Source: Digitimes via HTCSource