
Original Angry Birds updates with 15 new levels. When did they add Power-Up?

I will be perfectly honest here, I haven’t had any Angry Birds games installed prior to Angry Birds Space in a long while. For some odd reason I had the impulse to go snag all the old games again. Not sure why, but it felt like I needed to have them. One reason could have been because I have a new phone and wanted to see what they looked liked and the other cause I kinda missed them, just a little. To my surprise I found that the Original Angry Birds game that started all the insanity, was updated on the 9th of October. Also to my amazement  it was just new levels.

They did of course add some new levels for those addicts out there that can’t get enough AB. The recent update adds 15 more levels to the Surf and Turf addition. More is better right?

In the What’s new section, they don’t make mention of the new abilities though. So it could have been something that was released previously and we never saw or it could be new. Those of you that have had the game forever can answer that question for us. Anyways, there are a few new things you can do and spend money on. After all, Angry Birds is  a business that is in it for the money. You can purchase the Mighty Eagle as a one time purchase and can use him once per hour to utterly destroy those pigs.

In addition to the Night Eagle purchase, you also have some new power-ups at your disposal. There is a Sling Scope for laser guided accuracy, the King Sling to add some super maximum flying power, Super Seeds which makes what ever bird that is in the sling shot supersized and the Birdquake which shakes the ground and makes thing fall over. There is always a catch though. You can use these power-ups once per bird per shot. Not that big of deal really, but you are given a limited number of these power-ups to start off. There is no way to earn more power-ups, you physically have to go buy more. Either by snagging a grab bag of all the power-ups or buying a package of a specific one.

The power-ups are a nice touch and can be used on any previous level of the game as well, so you aren’t limited to just Surf and Turf or anything. I will say this though, after playing Angry Birds Space, and then nothing at all for months, going back to the beginning was a little harder than I remeber.

So, head to the Play Store and update your original Angry Birds if you still have it, if not, well then click or scan the QR code below to pick it up again and relive those moments of excitement and experience some new twists.

Application: Angry Birds
Developer: Rovio Mobile Ltd.
Cost: FREE