
OutSpin Weekly: It’s Time to End the Fanboy’s war

Android users are passionate. Android users are also one of the most vocal group against everything that Apple delivers and this is true across the board, including some OEMs taking the Apple bashing to a whole new level. I am not immune to this, having done my bit to bash Apple products in the past and that is why I am telling you today that it’s time to the end the fanboy’s war. Why? Let me explain. 

1. Apple users don’t care: No matter how many times you tell an Apple user that your phone can do something that his phone/tablet can’t do,  they will only find that specific feature relevant when it’s available in an Apple device. The problem is that, unlike Android users, Apple user’s expectations are an integral part of the company’s development and production process, controlled by the very secret iExpect machine installed in the iSatellite network.

2. Apple users are not as demanding as Android users are: While Android users like to shape their phones to their own image, Apple users find the whole customization process boring, a waste of time and, more importantly, a betrayal. If Apple designed the iPhone or iPad experience like it is, there must be an unknown solid reason, and Apple users have no right to tinker with it. Belonging to a hive mind doesn’t come with customization as a benefit, like every Borg can tell you.

3. Apple users don’t know what technology is: 4G, LTE, HDSPA, 3G, Bluetooth don’t mean a thing to an Apple user. All of those acronyms and technical specs translate, via auto-correct, to “Who cares?”.

4. Apple users believe that their devices make them look cooler: Android users choose their devices because they can do something with them. The “That is a huge screen” comment from a complete stranger is just a bonus (it happened to me two days a go in a flight between Seattle and Amsterdam). On the other hand, Apple users do not even care if they can make a phone call with an iPhone or not. Being able to make phone calls is the bonus.  Before they go to bed the iPhone is carefully stashed along with other pieces of  jewelry.

5. Apple users are law-abiding citizens: This is a little known piece of knowledge. Every time a human has its first contact with an iPhone or iPad, a stream of content is downloaded to his/her sub-conscious. This content makes the user believe that Steve Jobs, back in 1976, had some facetime with God itself and, during that conversation, he acquired the patents to the Universe. This truly sheds some light onto the fact that Apple users totally support all efforts made by the Cupertino company to sue everything remotely similar to one of its products or features, and they are more than happy to pay for all the legal fees that have to be spent to fight the infidels and copy cats. All Apple users are also OK if they start paying Tim Cook’s company a fee every time they slide to unlock any window.


As you can see there is no point in feeding the fanboy’s wars. This is a war that we, Android users, have already lost and Apple users are lost sheep to all of us. Apple users will remain Apple users. If you really want to do something for Android, stop bashing Apple in public and instead, spend that time in trying to educate those around you on what makes Android so different. I know I will and I hope you will join me.Â