[Deal Alert] EA drops Mass Effect: Infiltrator and NBA Jam to under a Buck
Over the weekend we alerted you guys to a OK sale by Electronic Arts on a few of their games for Fathers Day. During that announcement...
Over the weekend we alerted you guys to a OK sale by Electronic Arts on a few of their games for Fathers Day. During that announcement...
Time to get cracking devs! Samsung has just recently made the source code for their Samsung Galaxy S III available for you to download and fiddle with. Ultimately...
What a mess to try and sift through. We have spent the last hour sifting through forums and official channels to try and confirm what the...
I’ll be honest. I didn’t think the Galaxy Note would make it this long, with its massive 5.3 inch screen size. I thought it would meet...
Well there goes my plan for Thursday. It seems T-mobile is going to split the launch of the Samsung Galaxy S III into two separate launches. A total...
We are sure many of you are fairly familiar with the Humble Bundles that have graced the web in the past. it has offered up a...
We do our best to keep up with what all the various carriers are doing and offer. Being a T-Mobile customer I sometime fail to see...
Oh Flipboard, how we love you, and hate you at the same time. If you haven’t been around for a while, Flipboard is an app that...
Back in March we found an unofficial VLC Media Player app being created from scratch by XDA member adridu59. We released the information and a link to the...
TEAM INFERNO has released an update to Dark Unicorn Resurrected. The latest version is now .1. This release is supported on the following Device(s):– HTC myTouch...
In the game of Android you find various ideas, thoughts and opinions. That is what makes Android so wonderful and so annoying all at the same...
On June 11th we found some information related to poor Wi-Fi signal on the HTC One X. XDA member  bigoliver even went so far as to make a...
From my personal perspective, a twitter client needs to be fast, easy to use and overly packed full of useless features. That isn’t saying that some...
While those of us here in the states wait for our Samsung Galaxy S III device to finally be available, those lucky overs overseas are already...
If you’re a proud owner of a DROID RAZR or DROID RAZR MAXX but still itching to see Android 4.0 ICS on your device, you’ll be...
The debate surrounding the love and the hated for full slid out QWERTY keyboards is always a hot one. David Pena was dead set against making...
We’ve already known that Asus was preparing a 7-inch Nexus tablet for a few weeks now, but this seems to just confirm it even further. Two...
If you’re in the Google TV market but never really liked the Logitech Revue simply because of the high entry level price point at $299, then...
Just when you think launchers are few and far, some development team comes out with a new innovative spin on your home launcher. I love it....
Back at Mobile World Congress, the Galaxy Note 10.1 was first mentioned, and the rumored features and specs sure impressed our little brains. There is still...