Samsung Skyrocket HD cancelled, Galaxy S III to replace it before it Launched
We are firm believers that carriers often launch to many devices that are only slightly better than the last too quickly. Always trying to get the next leg...
We are firm believers that carriers often launch to many devices that are only slightly better than the last too quickly. Always trying to get the next leg...
We shared a modification that was created for the HTC Sensation a while back that dramatically improved the devices camera quality and abilities. The mod was...
The split between the Samsung Galaxy Nexus and the HTC EVO 4G LTE was pretty much right down the middle. Each device has its own special...
Have you ever been walking through Best Buy and been lost? Me either. I would say more like sidetracked for the afternoon. For those of us...
When Carly first came to us with her squeaky clean image and perky attitude, I did not really care so much. Yeah she is cute, but...
In the digital world of phones and tablets, its kind of hard not to copy certain features. We have seen our fair share of patent lawsuits...
The CyanogenMod Team decided to give us a little update today of what is to come for their highly anticipated build. Although brief, they mention that...
This post is definitely for my die hard WIDGETHEADS out there. It has been a little while since I have introduced a new widget to my...
The Acer Iconia Tab A100 Ice Cream Sandwich update is nothing new to some of you. It has popped up in the past and then went...
You got to love the developers at XDA. They love the Android community and want to make everyone happy even though it is not possible to...
It is almost here my Sprint users that have already got their pre-orders for the HTC EVO 4G LTE. How about while you wait your can...
Anyone remember Box? I would hope so. They started an entire 50GB for life campaign for a while that I know a lot of you surely took part...
vibranturk has released an update to Doc`s Master ICS. The latest version is now 11. This release is supported on the following Device(s):– Samsung Galaxy S:...
chrispaw has released an update to CapRomCE. The latest version is now 0508. This release is supported on the following Device(s):– HTC Amaze 4G Change Log:...
Splder has released an update to HyperNonSense. The latest version is now 2.6. This release is supported on the following Device(s):– HTC Sensation MAY.08 – HyperNonSense...
EclipzeRemix has released an update to Speed Rom ICS. The latest version is now 3.1.0. This release is supported on the following Device(s):– HTC Amaze 4G...
We have to admit, taking Carly from the cute and innocent pink poke a dot wearing little bombshell and tossing her on a street bike it leather was a great...
Virgin Mobile customers who have been jealous of the new HTC EVO 4GÂ and HTC One X don’t need to be anymore. Today, Virgin Mobile announced...
While everyone and their dog knows about the Samsung Galaxy S III, many of us are still waiting to see what will happen to the device...
For those of you who live in Ohio or Pennsylvania and have been waiting for Verizon 4G LTE service to hit your area, your wait is...