ROM – @xboarder56 Amazing QuikSense for HTC Amaze 4G
xboarder56 has released an update to Amazing QuikSense. The latest version is now 1.5.1. This release is supported on the following Device(s):– HTC Amaze 4G Amazing...
xboarder56 has released an update to Amazing QuikSense. The latest version is now 1.5.1. This release is supported on the following Device(s):– HTC Amaze 4G Amazing...
Most of you are probably more familiar with Dropbox than with Box. On the surface they are pretty much the same thing. Not all that long...
Android tablets are definitely gaining ground. With more manufacturers stepping up to the plate to offer their take on what a tablet should be. We get...
We are nearly in the final month of the fourth quarter for 2011. Motorola announced in August that the Milestone 2 would be receiving a Gingerbread...
It didn’t take long for the Kindle Fire to take hold in the market. Being a decent budget tablet with an Android back end made it...
Race of Champions, by Invictus, is now available in the Android Market, and it won’t even cost you a dime. What is ROC you ask? It’s a racing...
Google Maps finally got a big enough update to move it from 5.X to 6.0.It sure has come along way since the G1. It has gone...
The hits just keep coming this week. On top of all the source code that was recently revealed yesterday, HTC steps in and drops the bootloader...
I bet that title makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside doesn’t it? For those of us on T-Mobile, the AT&T buy out or merger...
The fascination with balloons always puzzled me. Even when I was a kid, I really did not care for having one. The only thing I found...
I guess getting the bugs fixed in the most anticipated phone is definitely “a must”, so they are wasting no time on doing that. No word...
TricH has released an update to Bombaridier. The latest version is now 3.5. This release is supported on the following Device(s):– Samsung Galaxy S II: T-Mobile...
ThunderStick has released an update to ThunderStick GENII. The latest version is now 2.5.4. This release is supported on the following Device(s):– HTC Thunderbolt: Verizon Thunderbolt...
CdTDroiD has released an update to S3N5EaY. The latest version is now 2.1.0. This release is supported on the following Device(s):– HTC Sensation S3N5EaY XE35 v2.1.0...
baadnewz has released an update to InsertCoin Sensation Sense 3.5. The latest version is now v3.4.4. This release is supported on the following Device(s):– HTC Sensation...
designgears has released an update to Cognition 777. The latest version is now r3. This release is supported on the following Device(s):– Samsung Galaxy S II...
Are you a big shopper? Do you spend hours searching through the thousands of pounds of catalogs you get in the mail dog earing the best...
Google+ Hangouts are definitely a great way to kill some time and chat up your friends. Of course, you must have some friends first. According to...
No one has ever said the names that these manufacturers come up with for devices is wonderful. The Motorola Dinara, officially known as the xT929 for...
Product Description If you are looking for a case that will help protect your T-Mobile Galaxy S II from nicks and scratches, look no further than...