[Game] The Marbians – Help the Aliens Get Out of Roswell!
If you have been looking for another game to help bide your time in lengthy meetings or long train rides, I think ‘The Marbians’ might just be...
If you have been looking for another game to help bide your time in lengthy meetings or long train rides, I think ‘The Marbians’ might just be...
All the rumors and speculations for the Galaxy SII have been tossed around like crazy for the last week or two. That is to be expected,...
I generally steer clear of any website that is offering an alternative market concept to the Android Market. I could see its importance when paid apps...
DÅmo arigatÅ! Roboto hoverboards onto Android. There really aren’t enough platform games on Android that aren’t just one-button sidescrolling platformers. It’s a genre that’s sadly a casualty...
How is it possible for the @VZWSupport team on twitter is so out of sync with what is going on with their company and devices. This...
When I first saw the Logitech Revue box I was extremely excited. Like many others out there, I thought this was going to be absolutely amazing....
Just in case life got in the way, as it often does, we wanted to send you a friendly little reminder. Today is the official launch...
Yesterday we brought you news of a new Android Magazine scheduled to hit the news stands in the U.K. today. The publication is now live on...
DroidTh3ory has released an update to INFUS3TH3ORY V1.1B. The latest version is now 1.1B. This release is supported on the following Device(s):– HTC Thunderbolt: Verizon Thunderbolt...
ladyboo has released an update to LADY MIUI MULTILANGUE V19.B. The latest version is now 19.B. This release is supported on the following Device(s):– HTC Leo:...
You don’t run across outstanding games all that often. Nor do you run across developers  that put in the extra effort to maximize the game on...
If you are a launcher junkie like myself, then you might just want to check out the latest file uploaded at XDA. It is the Sony...
This is absolutely and 99% not related to Android, but entertainment, sharing and just generally being cool, is what the community is all about. That’s my...
When looking for a game you usually want some that plays well, is a challenge and sometimes fast paced to keep your interests. That is exactly...
The leaked version of the T-Mobile G2 Gingerbread update slithered its way to to the web only a few days ago. Then we heard about HTC...
I love it when I see that “updates” icon hit the top left of my device. Running close to 300 apps on my phone currently, it...
We sit, we wait, we wonder, and we get upset when updates don’t get pushed out in what we feel is a timely manner. This last...
If you have automatic updates on for Angry Birds, then you may already have the update installed. I clear things so fast sometimes I don’t even...
The HTC Sensation 4G is one amazing piece of hardware. Sporting a 1.2 GHz dual core Snapdragon processor, 4G speeds , Sense 3.0 and a 4.3″...
Hello friends in the U.K. Tomorrow is a big day for you guys. It is the official launch of Android Magazine. The first and only printed...