Rumor: Remember The HTC Ace?
Since the first mention of the HTC Vision and HTC Ace headed to the UK, we were tipped from two different sources about the HTC Ace...
Since the first mention of the HTC Vision and HTC Ace headed to the UK, we were tipped from two different sources about the HTC Ace...
Device shortages can cause a lot of unexpected problems for wireless networks and Sprint has fallen victim. Sprint’s HTC Evo was arguably the most highly anticipated...
As with every highly anticipated device launch, the question about availability arises. With the Motorola Droid X launching on Thursday, we want to know how many...
Sprint is steadily adding new markets to the 4G club. If you live in Rochester or Syracuse, New York, Â Merced or Visalia, California, Tri-Cities or Yakima,...
Have you ever been a Nextel user? If so, did you find the chirp feature convenient and fun to use? Well if you do, there is...
Although the application currently has not been released, I did a little checking to see what might be on the horizon. Over at I found...
Sure, there are plenty of docks out there to choose from, but they are rather plain-looking. With a little bit of time and creative thinking, you...
Google and HTC designed the Nexus One as a phone to set the standard for future Android devices, a bleeding edge device that was supposed to...
Now, without having to know a whole lot about how to build a live wallpaper (LWP) from scratch, you can! Thanks to a developer over at...
This really is amazing news, and a testament to just how popular Android has become. In September 2009, the Android Market had only 10,000 apps. Now,...
Proving one again that a rose phone by another other name is just as sweet, Verizon has launched a promo video for their upcoming Samsung Fascinate....
If you happen to be some of the few that are currently with US Cellular you can now be the proud owner of an Android powered...
Admittedly, we all would like to know just how tough our phones are, but when push comes to shove most of us will still slap on...
NTP is a small patent holding company that started a battle with RIM nearly 10 years ago regarding wireless email patent infringements. NTP won the suit...
Verizon is probably giving themselves the ultimate facepalm for their error allowing the Droid X to be shipped early. This morning we posted the email sent...
Coming as no surprise, the GarminFone from T-Mobile is getting a price cut. From the original price of $199, down 70 bones to $129. Of course,...
HTC has big plans for their first tablet. Unfortunately, we will not see such a device anytime soon. With all of the different Android tablets currently on the...
July 18th, the launch date for AT&T’s Samsung Captivate, is right around the corner, and at this point in the game, more information is usually discovered....
We’ve heard the reports earlier in the week, that some lucky customers have come home to find a Droid X waiting for them on their doorstep....
An OTA update is rolling out for your Acer Liquid A1 allowing you to enjoy Android 2.1. You have been patient long enough, especially after watching...