HTC is having a party!

From the looks of it, everyone is invited!! The locations of the parties are in NYC and LA. The NYC party is being held @ Canal...

HTC Selling the EVO 4G Direct!

Well, today was the first day of June, the month we are calling the month of Android. The first Android handset that’s coming out this month...

Google dumps Windows!!

Although this is not directly tied into Android it is still something of note. Since Google is our brain for Android and all things great. It...

Android fragmentation report updated

Today Google’s developer site released the latest report on Android fragmentation. Things are looking really good as far as phones getting up graded to 2.1 as well as...

GameLoft realized their mistake

Looks like after the report of GameLoft’s terrible DRM policy last week, they had a change of heart. In their initial release, it was conveyed that...

myTouch 3G Slide reviewed

Contemplating getting a MT3G Slide? Engadget has a review of the device, and as usual it’s very thorough. The myTouch Slide is the latest version of...

TD Bank app found

The mystery of the vanishing app has been solved.   To refresh, yesterday’s market-fresh apps post included a pretty nice looking app for TD Bank of...

This week’s market-fresh apps

As you’ve likely heard from one source or another, Android Market is growing at a phenomenal pace. Roughly 5,000 or more new apps are being added each...

HTC Evo Takes A Bite Of Froyo

It doesn’t take long for members around the Android community to “hack” the latest devices. It seems like the HTC Evo doesn’t seem to give them...