A Steve Jobs Porn Free Musical Interlude
It’s Friday and the HTC Evo 4G is out. Who doesn’t feel like singing a little song? Source: YouTube
It’s Friday and the HTC Evo 4G is out. Who doesn’t feel like singing a little song? Source: YouTube
Dell Streak aka Mini 5 is one of the most anticipated Android device of 2010. We heard from the CEO of Dell, Micheal Dell that the...
Would you like to catch up on your TV series? or watch live NFL games via your device? On June 7th, Verizon is bringing V Cast...
We all thought that the Dell Streak was the biggest Android phone out there, but it appears that we thought wrong. Sony Ericsson is making a...
Well the HTC EVO 4G has been successfully rooted. As most of you know, rooting is not equivalent to jailbreaking for a few reasons. One because...
3-2-1- The time has come! The EVO is now available for purchase at Sprint.com. If you stayed up or woke up early to purchase this device, I...
What is the best you can hope for as a developer of Android Applications? Â Getting your app features on the Android Market? Having you app get...
Motorola love introducing crazy and interesting phones. Today Motorola announced a new phone known as the Motorola Flipout. The form factor is very interesting, the QWERTY...
If Apple’s iPad is the big version of the iPhone, Samung seems to be following suit. A photo was leaked (and quickly removed) on Samsung’s South...
Lets talk about the HTC Legend. Some time ago, we saw the HTC Legend passing FCC with AT&T and Canadian carriers 3G band. Well, we heard...
Anyone remember the HTC Scorpion? We heard about this device 3 months ago, it was rumored that the device will come with a powerful 1.5 GHz...
I can’t think of the last time a device had an update planned even before the device went on sale, but you can thank all of...
The tweet speaks for itself. A new bluetooth headset go with your new Evo would be a pretty nice bonus. If you were on the fence...
Samsung Galaxy S is known as one of the fastest Android smartphones on the market, as we saw in the benchmarks. Today, Samsung officially launched the...
Toastcfh over at XDA has posted a guide on how to root your HTC EVO. Good news for all of us that have it and the...
Personally speaking, Â I have been one of those people to walk out the door to run errands and have forgotten my phone. I hate when I...
We have seen of companies who are creating tablets to compete with the Apple iPad. But they seem to have forgotten the iPod Touch; well, all...
Yet another wonderful innovation from Google! We all know and love that little Google search widget on our home screens. Well, Google has stepped up what...
Telus, one of Canada’s larger carriers, is doing some price chopping. Â Telus was offering the HTC Hero for $49.99, but now you can get the one...
We have all been waiting for Sprint to launch their most promising and awesome phone, the HTC Evo 4G. Sprint wants to sell the EVO 4G...