EA Mobile Game Sale

EA Mobile is currently running a sale on their titles, discount may vary. Shopping their games is a bit tricky, on my G1  I had: American...

Apple lawsuit moves forward, slightly

“Bad timing to announce on April 1st, but today the International Trade Commission (ITC) said they would begin investigating Apple’s complaints about HTC. If you haven’t...

HTC Desire, I kind of want it

The guys over at Engadget have done us all a favor and put up a very thorough review of the soon-to-be released HTC Desire. While Desire...

Android will only ever be #2

I know yesterday I was talking about how I wasn’t ready to give up my G1, but things can change in a day.   After I...

How to make an Android

If you’re one of the few, and very lucky people to get their hands on a Android figure from DYZ Plastic, congratulations. While the rest of...

To qwerty or not to qwerty

One of the main reasons I still have a G1 is the keyboard. More and more devices seem to be moving towards a seamless design but...