
Pageonce changes name to ‘Check’; Same service, new Name

Pageonce name changes to Check
The extremely popular Pageonce app has just been updated. Along with the update comes a new name. Pageonce will now be known as Check – Bills & Money. The name change was a decision that the company made in light of where they have come from to where they are now. In 2008 when Pageonce launched, it was all about bringing your email, rewards, travel and more to “One Page’. Since then the app has evolved to be a a great way to manage your bills, your various accounts and much more.

The update that went live yesterday doesn’t change anything that you are currently used to using. At least from what we can gather from the Play Store. The update just brought along the new name and the new icon. Which looks pretty cool. If you haven’t updated the app yet, be sure to hit the Play Store and pick it up. Just don’t forget it has a new name now.

Check Play Store Link