
[PAX Aus] Cargo Chaos, By Considerable Content, Is Some Crazy Ship

cargo chaosSome of you might have noticed that I’ve been a little quieter than usual. That’s because today I was at the first day of PAX Australia, the very first of its kind Down Under. The show so far has been great, with lots of gaming companies coming out in force to show the world and Australia what there is to offer. Of particular note are the Australian indie developers, who are showcasing the fruits of their hard toils on a stage that will hopefully get them the exposure they want.

Today, I was lucky enough to speak to Considerable Content, a delightful, two-man dev team who were showcasing two of their projects, one Postman’s Odyssey and of particular note, Cargo Chaos. Cargo Chaos is a 2D puzzler available on Android now in which you assume control of a shipping captain capable of telekinesis, allowing you to arrange cargo on your cargo ships and keep them from falling off as your ship crosses the sea.

In the brief time I spent playing the game, it was great fun, and the difficulty scales nicely as you progress through the levels. If you want a better idea of how the gameplay goes, have a look at this gameplay trailer:

Considerable Content is actually having a sale during PAX Australia, lowering the price of Cargo Chaos to $0.99, so if you’re looking for a clever, fun game to play this weekend, have a gander. Stay tuned for our review of the game.

Any thoughts about Cargo Chaos? Let us know if you pick it up and have a look.

Game: Cargo Chaos

Play Store Link

Price: $0.99 during PAX Australia