
Personnel reshuffle at Samsung could go all the way to the top

Personnel reshuffle at SamsungYou may have heard over the last few months that tech giant Samsung hasn’t been doing too well in the mobile business. Obviously it’s still a force to be reckoned with, far and away the largest mobile manufacturer apart from Apple, but its profits in 2014 are way down on those recorded last year, and that performance is having repercussions. We’ve heard that the company is going to start from scratch to redesign next year’s Samsung Galaxy S6, and we’ve heard that the company is cutting down on the number of low and medium range devices it makes. And today, we’re hearing that there may be a personnel reshuffle at Samsung that could see CEO of Samsung’s mobile division, J. K. Shin, removed from his position.

Bets are on that if this reshuffle happens, the responsibilities of the mobile division will fall to B. K. Yoon, CEO of Samsung’s appliances and TV division, in addition to his existing responsibilities, which would no doubt be part of Samsung’s streamlining initiatives. That could actually work to provide more innovation in both divisions, as Yoon has been known to be an advocate of integrating mobile thinking into the home. Either way, we’ll be keeping an eye on the Korean company as it goes through this transition period.

What do you think of this hypothetical personnel reshuffle at Samsung? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: WSJ via Phone Arena