In real world situations, this isn’t that bad of an idea. Every time you run your credit, you take a hit. If you already know your credit score is well below any acceptable level, then taking another few points off of it isn’t the smartest idea. I should know, I am like 500. I can’t even get an Old Navy card.
Other details of the Phase 2 plans are aimed to coincide with a launch internally known as “Apollo 15. No, not a space shuttle. Apollo 15 is paired up with MetroPCS and their launch of 15 new markets. The news of 15 new markets with MetroPCS isn’t new news. It has been confirmed by MetroPCS and T-Mobile in the past.
Things are on the rise for T-Mobile. It is nice to see options and see them continue to be different then the other major 3 carriers in the U.S.
How are guys feeling about T-Mobile lately? Has their new approached afforded you better options and lower bills? Did you make the switch after they made all these changes?
Source: TmoNews