
Play Googles favorite games now, 25 games and apps up for only $0.49

Just moments ago we let you know that Google is re-branding the Market and various other Google services to Google Play. Making the focus now all about how easy it is to start a book on your phone and finish it on your tablet. Similar principles with Movies and Music. Not that the services are any different, just what it is being labeled as. You will have a new set of icons and labels appearing on your phone soon, and if we find the APK we will be sure to share it. In the mean time, the web-based market has gone live and is available for your enjoyment.

The first thing we saw roll across the special banner section was for .49 cent apps and games. How can we not click on that immediately. Labeled as ‘Play Our Favorites’ and offering 25 games and apps that we all love. This is in celebration of the launch of the Play brand. Along with new apps every day for the next week, Google is also going to be offering different Books, Movies and Albums for special prices. Looks like the next ‘7 days of Play’ are going to net you a lot of great stuff from Google.

The list of apps is great. They have World of Goo, SHADOWGUN, Sprinkle, Dead Space™ and N.O.V.A. 2 just to name a few of the high-end games on special right now. You can go snag them online at the market, or via your phone. Regardless if you have the new market icon or not, the promotion is available under Apps’ then scroll down a bit and you will see the special Play banner. Now that the market page has changed, it is going to take us a little work to redo our QR system and figure out the best linking options to make your lives easier. You should be able to click on the link below on your device or PC to go to the associate page for the specials.

$0.49 apps and games 

Stay tuned for more great specials and a look at what is added or changed tomorrow.

Via GoogleÂ