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  • 6 March, 2013

Play Store Birthday Week: What deals are in store for You?

Last night we found out that Google planned on a big sale across all parts of the Play Store in celebration of it being one year old today. The present’s have been unwrapped in the Play Store for the whole world now and there are some pretty great goodies listed. You can find free music, $0.99 movie rentals, $5 movie purchases, $1 magazine issues, half off games and special in-game celebratory goodies.

I spent a good hour in the Play Store this morning snagging a ton of stuff already. I thought it might be a good idea to share a few of the things I picked up. Especially since you can find more offers on your device then on the web version. There is a main Happy Birthday page that shares a few great offers like 50% off Kung Fu Panda, the Pilot Episode of Breaking Bad and a free copy of the first book in the series of A Quest of Heros. All of which I picked up. There is so much going on in the Play Store right now that it is a little bit overwhelming really. What else did I grab, well, below is a list of a few things from all various aspects of the Play Store that I picked up. Maybe you will want to grab some of them yourself.

Free TV Show Episodes

The TV listings might not be entire seasons, or even the latest episode, but it is still a good time to bolster up your collection for those long bus rides or commutes. Not to mention a good time to check out a show you might not have heard of before.

Movies to buy for $4.99. Looks like mostly Dreamworks pictures, but still good stuff.

There are a few others on sale like Men in Black 3, but it is running at $10.99 for the SD version and $11.99 for the HD version. Here Comes the Boom is in there too, but $12.99 for SD and $17.99 for HD.

Movies to rent for $0.99. A buck for a movie night isn’t to terrible of a price.

That’s pretty much all I see that I would possibly rent. There might be others.

Free Book – The Sorcerer’s Ring Series, Book 1 ( A Quest of Heros )

I love to read, but am pretty particular on my authors. So the books that Google is putting up for $5 don’t really get me going. You can check out the list on the $5 Birthday Book list, maybe you will find something of interest.

In the magazine department though, there are quite a few that I will get later tonight for various reasons. At a buck for certain issues, it is kind of a no brainer.

I know, that is a pretty wide range of magazine choices.

In the apps and games department, I don’t see a whole lot of sales. A large chunk of what is being celebrate is inside games that are already free. Like Birthday Cakes, new Android characters and 50% savings on in-app purchases. The one game we do know that hit the sale was Final Fantasy Dimensions. Usually $19.99, is advertising a 1 year Google Play Birthday special for $9.99.

We will keep watching and checking every morning to see if there are daily plans, or if these deals will be in place for a week. We kind of hope that things rotate out every morning and that Google has more planned over the coming days. Hit up any of the links above to take advantage of any of the things we mentioned and leave a comment if you recommend something else or find something good not on the official lists.