
Play Store gets Android Wear apps sections added, see what is already Supported

The Android Wear demo that Google put on during I/O was pretty cool. It showcased a number of Google centric apps, of course, but left many wondering what other apps would be compatible. That question can only be answered by the app developers of the world since Google has all the tools for them to make it work. The current list of apps is at 25 and include more that just Google apps. Apps like IFTTT, Banjo, Evernote Wear, Pinterest, American & Delta airlines and 1Weather: Widget Forecast Radar.

Android Wear Apps
While these will only be good for those lucky few from Google I/O who have a Android Wear device, it is a good reference for those that are waiting on their orders. The LG G Watch states it is leaving the warehouse’s in 1 to 2 business days, while the Gear Live isn’t set to ship until July 8th. We have no doubt that the list will continue to grow fairly rapidly. I certainly hope Plex has an app in the works for Android Wear, don’t you? The only other question we have to wonder, is how these will play with the Moto 360. Scaling to slightly different square screens isn’t all that tricky, tossing in a round screen could pose a situation for some. Although, looking at the screenshots for the Android Wear aspects of these apps, it looks like most of them have their info fairly centered leaving plenty of room for a round version. We will just have to wait and see if they will need some tweaking or not.

Check them out for yourself on the Play Store.

Via AndroidPolice