It now appears that Google is moving the Play Store towards a more integrated Google system. In due time you won’t be able to leave a comment on an app without using your Google+ account. As you see int he screenshot above, commenters names have already been removed and are now all listed as “A Google User” If you don’t have a Google+ account set up and active, you will be asked to do so when attempting to leave a comment. This is going to cross over to the Chrome Web Store and Google Maps as well.
We have talked with many people about this upcoming change. The majority of them feel that this will help keep the riff raff comments and low star ratings out of the Play Store. If those who rate low and leave irrelevant comments have to attach a personal account that everyone can see with their comment, it should detour some of them. With hopes that this will also bring more developers to the scene as well.
There is a second side to the coin that is concerning for some. Such as not wanting or needing a Google+ account. More so though, the thought that this will also link people’s real world accounts to comments on apps. Those who wish to remain anonymous for a valid reason. Like people in witness protection, victims of assault, victims of stalkers, minors and so many other one offs. While they could set up fake name accounts, Google still patrols those along with pseudonymous accounts as well.
So while the riff raff comments will most likely vanish, this move also has a lot of potential to keep others from commenting that were doing a great job and service for consumers.
What is your thoughts on all of this? Will being forced to link your Google+ account to any comment you leave on an app keep you from leaving a comment at all? Will it even matter? Are we so sucked into social media and various other outlets that our privacy is already toast and we are already to far down the rabbit hole to ever come back up?
Source: Yahoo