
Pocket Frogs hops its way to Android

The name of the app is the only reason I clicked on it to check it out. Frogs are cool. Not necessarily the big fat ugly toads, but the cool as all get up frogs from the rain forest. The ones that are colorful and deadly. Of course, handling those frogs is both wreck less and nearly impossible. That doesn’t mean we don’t want to have one hanging out in our living room in a wicked habitat.

For those of you out there that are die hard froggie fans, you might find Pocket Frogs to be right up your alley. You get to discover, collect, trade, and breed over 15,000 unique frogs, anytime, anywhere with fellow Android players. You can also trade various habitat items and view your friends habitats and frogs. You can build and customize your frogs habitats your self and explore the ‘pond’ in search of rewards and rare frogs to collect.

It seems like it should be a very fun and entertaining game for anyone. Feel free to scan or click the QR code located below to give this a try and see how many frogs you can find and create.

Application: Pocket Frogs
Developer: Mobage
Cost: FREE