
[POLL] Nexus 6 Concept Design Roundup; Which Do You Like The Best?

Yesterday we featured a concept design of a Nexus 6 as imagined by one Rishi Ramesh and as most concepts do, this one looked very sleek and very futuristic. While some people think it’s a bit soon to be thinking about the next Nexus phone already (most of these people seem to have just gotten the Nexus 5), and to be honest, it probably is, at the end of the day these concepts are just pretty pictures and it’s always nice to recognize the amazing design work that goes on around the Internet. In that light, I thought I might to a quick scour of the net and do a roundup of all the Nexus 6 concept designs that have circulated and conduct a poll to see which of them you like the best.

Google Nexus 6 design by Rishi Ramesh

nexus 6Let’s start with the design we already know about; this concept of a potential Nexus 6 device was designed by Rishi Ramesh and came with an additional list of specifications that said it would have a Snapdragon 805 running at 2.5GHz, 3GB RAM, 5.2-inch screen with a resolution of 2560×1440 pixels, a 13MP camera and be running Android 5.0. It’s not hard to imagine that the device could have specs like this by this time next year, but at the same time, I’d almost be disappointed if it did. I guess only time will tell.

Nexus 6 with Android 4.5 by Bob Freking

nexus 6This next concept design of a Nexus 6 comes to us via Bob Freking, who is clearly a fan of the HTC One, as evidenced by the dual-speaker layout common to most of HTC’s more recent phones, which he has featured in his design. Freking also fleshes out the Nexus device with his imagined specifications consisting of a 5-inch Full HD Super LCD 3 display, a 6 core CPU, 6 core GPU, 6 GB of RAMand 60 hour battery; clearly a fan of the number 6 it seems.

The speculative design also says that the Nexus 6 with have Android 4.5, codenamed Lollipop, which as of right now appears to be the favourite for Android’s next build codename, as shown in our highly scientific poll. I’d almost be surprised if Google had only released one build of Android between now and then, seeing as they released two this year, but we shall see what happens. Freking has also made a video to glamorize his concept design, which also features an iPhone concept, but we all know how we feel about that, don’t we? Check it out:

Nexus 6 X Phone by Martin Hasek

nexus 6While this design by Martin Hasek is a slightly older one, it’s no less impressive. Doing away with the rounded corners that we’re so used to, the Nexus 6 X Phone (ironically the code name of the Moto X for some time) features a 4.6-inch screen with a resolution of 1280×768 pixels. Most interesting about this concept is that Hasek has predicted that the Nexus 6 will have an Android build of Android 6.0 called Milkshake. While that’s not impossible to imagine, it does seem unlikely seeing as Google is doing more incremental updates over major updates, but you never know.

Nexus device by Jo Enaje

nexus 6The last Nexus 6 concept design we’ll take a look at in this roundup comes to us via Jo Enaje. Rather ironically, this concept was actually meant to be a Nexus 5 concept which Enaje drew up in October (as evidenced by the familiar wallpaper), but by then the shape of the Nexus 5 was all but confirmed. So to recognize Enaje’s conceptual work for what it is, we’ll assume it’s also a concept for the Nexus 6.

While there’s no hardware specifications to speak of for this concept, the design is wonderfully minimalistic and Enaje also mocked up some potential colour variants for the Nexus device a la the iPhone 5C.

nexus 6

It’s time to poll!

And now is the moment of truth: which of these Nexus 6 designs do you like the most? Please vote down below, or if you have another design to suggest, feel free to add it down in the comments.

[poll id=”61″]


Nexus 6 #1

Nexus 6 #2

Nexus 6 #3

Nexus 6 #4