• News
  • 4 April, 2012

[Poll] Paramount strikes deal with Google, 500 new movies headed to YouTube and Google Play

I just caught a story about Google recently striking a deal with Paramount pictures. The deal is said to bring 500 new movies to YouTube and the Play Store for your rental enjoyment. The deal will move the content available from Google up to a total of 9,000 titles. That is a pretty good selection of entertainment. This moves Google to having deals with 5 out of the 6 biggest movie companies in America, right along side the 10 independent movie makers.

While I know as a whole, this is great news for Google and for consumers a like. What I am more interested in though, is more content going to prompt more people to spend money on movies and rentals for their devices? With services like Netflix only costing me $8 a month, I don’t see renting a movie for $3.99 to watch during a 24 hour period beneficial to me.

[poll id=”30″]


Via YouTube Blog