
Poll Results: 64% of our readers said ‘Yes’ to getting the Motorola Nexus 6

getting the Motorola Nexus 6We asked, and you have answered. We asked earlier this week if you, our readers, would be getting the Motorola Nexus 6 – we were interested to know how many people still want the device despite the device being 5.9-inches and what many people would call “too big”. Well, the results are in, and we’re pleasantly surprised to announce that 64% of the almost 400 people who partook in the survey said “Yes” to getting the Motorola-manufactured Nexus smartphone.

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Now, we should note at this point that at the end of the day, you can make whatever you want of the results of this poll, but we’d like to think that the consensus is that people still would like a Nexus device, even a slightly large one. That much is true of the Android community we have here, but whether the wider community feels the same way is a matter for another discussion. Still, we’re happy to see that the Nexus line, particularly the Nexus 6, is still going to be a popular one and that Google isn’t completely out of touch with its consumer base, though at this point, all we really want to do is pre-order the device already – October the 15th can’t come soon enough.