
Popular Flight sim, X-Plane 9, drops $2.99 price tag and becomes Free

I can remember a time way back in my early teens when I would sit for hours playing Microsoft Flight Simulator. The graphics weren’t all that amazing, but it was awesome to gain that feeling of freedom that flying can over a person. Of course a flight simulator isn’t all that exciting. Sitting there staring a t a screen for hours on end as you fly over valleys and mountains just waiting till you could finally get to your destination, circle the field and land. Just to go and do it all over again. I personally liked crashing my plane into anything I could see on the screen.

That doesn’t meant hat there aren’t many of you out there that find a flight simulator a very stimulating and challenging game. That is why we felt this was a must share. Laminar Research has a popular flight simulator game on the Play Store. It has had various updates and at least one price drop that we can remember. Starting of at $10 and making its way down to $2.99. Well as of the 27th of September, Laminar Research has changed the game yet again and made this sim FREE.

What you will get with your download

– 6 scenery regions included (15 more available for purchase)
– 10 different aircraft of varying types (43 more available for purchase)
– Fly Dawn, Day, Dusk, Night
– Fly in VFR/IFR conditions from clear skies to overcast.
– You control the weather!
– Simulated system failures!
– Bird Strikes!
– Multiplayer over WiFi!
– Installs right to your SD card (Froyo/2.2 support required)

If you have been holding off on this simulator because of price, then you can wait no longer. At that amazing price of free, it is almost a no brainer for aspiring pilots to get their hands on this one. Just click or scan the QR code located down below.

Application: X-Plane 9 
Developer: Laminar Research
Cost: FREE