
Possible First Look at HTC Sense 3.5 UI, Thanks to

Very recently, HTC made a very pleasant update to their Sense UI on the Sensation 4G and a few other devices. Now, reports from have leaked some screen shots of what they are calling Sense 3.5 from the upcoming HTC Bliss device. Which is still all rumor based but more than likely will be something soon. Looking at a few screen shots you can see a few differences between 3.0 and 3.5. It appears they have already made some changes to the Sense widgets, new home screen button layout and the much loved app launcher on the lock screen. It looks pretty sleek. The newer version is said to be backwards compatible to older devices unlike 3.0 was. claims this is a beta version they got their hands on, so expect more changes to be done before you see a finalized version in action. It is still exciting to see continued work on one the more popular custom UIs to ever be made by an OEM. What do you guys think about it?

Source: Droidlife via