
Possible Nokia Android Phones Leak with UI Displayed


We are busy at CES, but today I finally have some time to catch up on news that is not so CES. Seems that leak king, evleaks, has leaked out this image while tweeting “Android on Nokia”. We have been hearing lots of rumors that Nokia is finally going to release their very own Android powered device, and evleaks has been on top of all those rumors. The Nokia Normandy is the name being thrown around for this device, and apparently it was found out later yesterday that the device will be running Android 4.4.1 KitKat.

The Nokia UI looks rather eye-pleasing, and that fact that it will have KitKat on board makes all of our Android hearts happy. Let us know what you think about this leaked image, and let us know if you are looking forward to grabbing a Nokia Android phone.

Source: @evleaks