
Post-Play being added to Netflix for Chromecast users

Netflix has pushed out an announcement today to alert us that the Post-Play feature that came about back in August of 2012, is finally making its way to your Google Chromecast experience.  If you aren’t familiar with the feature, Post-Play simply moves along from the current TV episode you are watching to the next when it is over. Simplifying your marathon Sundays a little.

Post-Play Netflix


Post-Play isn’t just for TV shows. If you happen to be watching a movie you will get similar film recommendations. They say it will function like other devices, so you can expect to be prompted to continue watching after a period of episodes so that you don’t miss an entire season while you are sleeping. Netflix also mentions that they are working to integrate the same functionality to the PC.

I am not seeing the update happening just yet on my devices, but Netflix states that it will be hitting all Netflix customers over the next few days.

Source: Netflix Blog