
Potential Google Nexus tablet images look more like a Toshiba Design

The hype for a Google Nexus Tablet running stock Android, sold by Google for under $200 and in the 7-inch screen size is high. Anything that is seen around the web that has no official name or title could be mis-construed as said tablet. There was a recent image posted on PocketNow that depicted one such tablet that didn’t have any details about what it really was. With the Nexus Tab being a hot topic, naturally it was assumed that this might be a render of the device. When we saw it a few things didn’t sit right.

The first thing that stood out was the Android Market icon was still present. Making the render a bit dated, if even only by a few weeks. Second was the style and design. If ASUS is supposed to be building this tablet in partnership with Google, then the edges and design of how it looks isn’t consistent. We would be more inclined to assume that ASUS will angle the edges much like the Prime and not be so flat and traditional. We don’t think Google would go for the design in the images either.

The design looked familiar to me as well as to AndroidCommunity. So we did a little more digging. The device render you see looks similar to the Toshiba 7.7-inch prototype tablet from Toshiba. The ports that are available aren’t identical, but are pretty darn close. Being a prototype and the image floating around being a render, makes us lean towards a Toshiba product, not a Google Nexus tablet. You can also see the volume controls, power button and lock switch are pretty much the same.

Hopefully something substantial does find its way to the web soon though. We personally can’t wait to see what Google has in mind.

Source: PocketNow & AndroidCommunity1/2