
Project Ara will not be moving in with Lenovo, instead will be absorbed by Google’s Android Team

project araWhile Google’s sale of Motorola to Lenovo is all but done and dusted, we’re still yet to find out exactly all the details of the sale and who gets what as part of the agreement. One part of Motorola that we’re most interested to find out the fate of is Project Ara, Motorola’s tantalizing modular phone project that was said to be shaping up quite well by Motorola’s CEO, Dennis Woodside, late last year.

Well, we’ve now learned that the Project Ara team, as well as the entirety of Motorola’s Advanced Technology and Projects group, will be moved to a ‘little’ part of Google‘s company under Sundar Pichai. And yes, that is the Android division. It’s hard to say what Lenovo might have done had they acquired Project Ara, but under the Android team at Google, you would hope the project would get the kind of care that Google typically gives to its other crazy, secret ideas.

What do you think of this sale of Motorola to Lenovo? And are you happy to know that Project Ara will be moved to Google instead of Lenovo? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

Source: Pocket-lint via Android Police