
Promo video for the Moto G 3rd gen leaks out early

Somebody at Brazilian retailer obviously has a happy trigger finger as their promo video for the Moto G 3rd gen was posted up today – predictably, it’s since been taken down, but the clever fellows over at Droid-life have a copy of the video hosted somewhere - you can check out a copy of the promo video here.

Before the video was taken down, the following blurb could be seeing in the video description (translated, of course):

“Surprises abound to the new generation of Moto G, one of the most beloved smartphones from Motorola. The new line of Moto G is available on models Moto G 3rd Generation Color HDTV , Music, Cabernet, Navy Blue and Pink.

Get ready for this powerful configuration: Lollipop Android 5.1.1 , 4G speed technology , full HD screen 5 -inch , 410 Snapdragon processor Quad Core 1.4GHz , 8GB of internal memory for the basic 16GB version or the other , rear camera of 13MP and 5MP front.”

Unsurprisingly, there’s not much in there we weren’t already aware of, though we’re interested to know why the amount of RAM wasn’t specified – rumours currently disagree with some saying 1GB with others saying 2GB. Also absent is any mention of the Moto Maker options for the Moto G, but maybe it’s because our Portuguese isn’t very good.

What do you think about the promo video for the Moto G 3rd gen? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Droid-life