• News
  • 24 January, 2014

PSA: It isn’t just you! Plethora of Google services are having Issues [Update]

When one Google service runs into an issue, it is survivable. When a HUGE portion of everything one might use for work and for personal life has issues, well then you might as well grab a bottle and wait for the apocalypse. Seems that Google Apps are down all over the place.

Google outage

If you are having issues getting email, sending or recieving Hangouts, accessing Groups, sites, drive or pretty much anything, that would be why. We took this screen shot at about 12 pm PST. You can check in on the same information at the Google Apps Status page. Not much we can do now, except wait and keep trying.

[Update] Seems that after an exausting hour or so, things are back to greenlites. Let us hope it stays that way.