
Publish5 makes creating your own mobile apps easier

Rocket-in-Bottle has opened beta testing for a chrome-based web app that allows anyone with Google’s Chrome Browser and a Publish5 account to produce and publish their own mobile apps! The idea is if you have a blog, twitter account, or active you-tube channel that you would like to turn into a mobile presence Publish5 will make developing your own app really easy! I’ve just now applied for a beta account and can’t wait as I have my own blog that is about my weight loss journey. I think it’d be really cool to make an app that would make it easier for my friends to keep up with how I’m doing.

Rocket-in-Bottle says that this should be SUPER EASY DIY experience. They are going to start with just Android and Chrome OS/browser apps but have plans to branch out to iOS as well. I have to say it’s nice to see a developer start with Android and not iOS, kudos to Rocket-in-Bottle for that! I’m really looking forward to getting my beta test slot. They haven’t said how much it’s going to be to have a membership once it’s released, but I think this is going to be one of the coolest Chrome apps ever!