
Pure Chess To Make The Jump To Mobile Platforms

pure chessPublisher Ripstone revealed yesterday that it is teaming up with VooFoo Studios to bring Pure Chess to iOS and Android. Pure Chess was launched last year on PSN and was lauded for its amazing visuals. The version coming to Android will have all the features available to the PSN version and Ripstone has teased that there will be additional features announced in the coming weeks.

Seeing as chess is basically a universal game and there has not been a terribly comprehensive or good-looking chess game on Android yet, Pure Chess will be on some chess enthusiasts wishlists, especially one that looks so good. Don’t believe that it looks that good, have a look at the game-play video from the PSN release down below. We’ll keep you posted when we hear more about the game.

Any kings and queens excited about this news? Let us know in the comments.

Source: Ripstone Team Talk via Facebook