
Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 shipments to LG and Xiaomi will still be on schedule

We heard the other day that Samsung could be ditching the latest and greatest processor from Qualcomm, the Snapdragon 810, for most of its Galaxy S6 devices. This change in direction was said to be partly due to severe overheating issues that the chip is exhibiting and also because contracted manufacturer, TSMC, is struggling to meet its scheduled shipments because of it. Still, that doesn’t mean that the chip isn’t already in mass production, and it’s said that despite the issues (described as “minor” from a business perspective), Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 shipments to LG and Xiaomi are still on schedule as both mobile manufacturers have devices releasing this month, the LG G Flex 2 and Xiaomi Mi Note Pro respectively.

This isn’t the first chip to experience such teething issues at the start of production – MediaTek’s MT6595 chipset was found to consume 30% higher power than expected, resulting in heat issues. But that chip continued to be mass produced, and MediaTek’s issues are described as much worse than the Snapdragon 810’s, so it’s likely that Qualcomm will do the same seeing as the start of this year is expected to be rife with flagship device launches.

What do you think about Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 shipments still going to plan? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: DigiTimes via Phone Arena