
Qualcomm Toq Smartwatch Goes On Sale On December 2nd

qualcomm toqThe smartwatch market is gradually becoming more and more crowded as companies big and small continue to produce their own take on the wearable device. One particularly interesting device that was spotted at this IFA 2013 in September was the Qualcomm Toq. Pronounced ‘talk’, the smartwatch won’t be running an Android OS itself, but will be compatible with devices with Android 4.0.3 and higher. Probably the most interesting feature of the Qualcomm Toq is its proprietary Mirasol screen, a technology that Qualcomm has showcased before, but never implemented in a commercial product. The Mirasol technology is essentially a low-power colour e-ink screen which will give the Toq many days of battery power and allow it to be viewable in direct sunlight. Qualcomm mentioned at IFA that the Toq would only be available as a limited run and for those who have been waiting to find out when they can get one, Qualcomm has just announced that the device will be available for purchase from December 2nd.

Qualcomm has also announced that the device will start at $349.99 to purchase, which does put it at an even higher price point that the Samsung Galaxy Gear which costs $299, though both watches arguably have their advantages and disadvantages (See our smartwatch showdown here). Whether people will be willing to drop the cool $349.99 for the Toq remains to be seen, but it definitely is one of the more intriguing smartwatches to have been revealed this year, particularly with its Mirasol screen and a model which will include a wireless earphones as well (though this model will likely be more expensive than the basic model).

If you’re interested in finding out more about the Qualcomm Toq, or want to sign up for any future updates, you can visit the Qualcomm Toq website at Does the Qualcomm Toq appeal to you, or is it a tad too expensive? Let us know what you think.

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