
The Qualcomm Toq smartwatch is now down to $249.99 after taking a $100 Discount

qualcomm toq smartwatchWhen the Qualcomm Toq smartwatch was announced and released late last year, it showcased some very intriguing  features for a smartwatch, particularly its colour e-ink screen, known to us as Qualcomm‘s proprietary Mirasol screen technology. This e-ink screen both served as a touch screen as well as a battery saving measure which saw the Toq able to last almost a week on a single battery charge. The only issue with all this wonderful technology was the price tag, which at $350 proved to be quite a large hurdle for even smartwatch enthusiasts despite the limited nature of the wearable device. Well, that might not be an issue anymore as Qualcomm has knocked $100 off that original price and brought the watch (available in black or white) down to $249.99 USD.

It doesn’t look like a temporary deal either, so this might just be Qualcomm’s way of quickly clearing out their remaining stock. Furthermore, we heard earlier in the week that HTC might be announcing a smartwatch at MWC 2014 next week which may be based on the Qualcomm Toq, which can only be a convenient coincidence with Qualcomm discounting their first wearable device. While $249.99 still sounds like a lot for a smartwatch, if you compare this to the newly released Pebble Steel, the Toq ends up being only 99 cents more expensive while offering a touchscreen, a colour e-ink display, and arguably more functionality, which isn’t too shabby when you think about it.

If you feel like picking up a Qualcomm Toq smartwatch, you can hit the store link which will be provided below. Who’s interested in getting a Toq now that the price has dropped to something a bit more reasonable? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

Source: Qualcomm Store via Android Police