
[Question][Development] My Thoughts When Deciding to Upgrade (SGS 2 VS EVO 3D)

As a past owner of two Galaxy S phones, the Captivate and Epic 4G, one thing has been bugging me, and it has nothing to do with official updates (or lack thereof). As many of you know most of the current Galaxy S variants are GSM based, and given the obvious similarities development is a bit easier between them.

Up until the release of the Nexus S 4G, ROM selection for the Fascinate and Epic 4G has been a bit one-sided. The hardest choice you were faced with when deciding on a ROM is what color you wanted TouchWiz to be as there were no AOSP ROMs available, and ports weren’t looking so hot. Both CDMA variants have their share of CM ports as well as MIUI however neither are fully working to the extent that daily use would be desirable. Which is not to say that the developers aren’t doing a good job rather that lack of resources makes it difficult.

That being said, we’re seeing news coming out that suggests that the new Galaxy S2 will be visiting the same groups of carriers that we saw from the originals. As a Sprint customer I only see two real options when I consider upgrading from my EVO 4G, and those are the Samsung Within or HTC EVO 3D. However I can’t decide between the two, based on my past experiences with Samsung development (CDMA) I’m leaning towards the HTC EVO 3D, but the given that the Galaxy S2 has a decent set of hardware I’m left wondering if things will change. I’m a fan of both manufacturers and I know the EVO 3D will get a decent amount of support from developers, however will the Samsung see the same? Which ultimately brings me to my questions.

  • Does development have anything to do with how you choose your next phone?
  • (Sprint Customers) What will your next upgrade be and what kind of thought have you put into it?


[These are simply thoughts that have been running around my head, and I was curious to see what kind of thought process was involved when other people are trying to decide.]