
Quick Look: AsciiTextArt, Replace Your Old School Smileys with Visual Fun

Development team MOBiSTERS, who brought us the gPad remote application, has just launched a new application. The latest release is called AsciiTextArt.


AsciiTextArt is the new way to let friends and family know how you feel. Replace your old-school smileys with text images that say so much more. Find, edit or create your own text art in our library with different categories. There is a text image for every occasion! Copy the AsciiTextArt to the messenger service of your choice. You can go straight to sms, e-mail or Facebook from within AsciiTextArt, but you can also copy it to whatever message board, forum, blog,…

Currently there are 15 different categories to choose from, ranging from animals or astrology to love or transport. Each category has its own unique set of text art images to choose from. Some are large, some are small. Some work better for Facebook and others are great for a text message. They offer you a template as well so you can create your own text art.

MOBiSTERS has also integrated onscreen widgets. Just add a widget of your most commonly used text art so you aren’t searching for it all the time. Simply select the widget and select how you want to send it. I think they have done a pretty outstanding job bringing something new to the table. We all love our smileys and emoticons, but this is so much more.

Click or Scan the QRCode below to find out more information about the AsciiTextArt application.

Summary and Downloads:

Application: AsciiTextArt
Developer: MOBiSTERS
Cost: FREE