
Quick look at NEC Medias W dual-screen folding Android Device

NEC Medias W
The trouble with tech events, is having the money and the man power to attend. As you should all know, Mobile World Congress is in full swing in Barcelona Spain. Sad to say, we are all still here int he states. Luckily though, there are tons of Android friends floating around these events and doing some amazing work covering what is being announced. Some of our partners in crime from Phandroid are furiously hit the floor and getting some great information and videos of some of the latest gadgets and gizmos. One that they just got some time with today is the new NEC Media W Android powered dual-screen foldable device.

The design isn’t anything new, Kyocera put out the Echo on Sprint a while back and then there was the Sony Tablet P. The NEC Media W is a little different then past devices, mostly because the technology since then has jumped in leaps and bounds since then.

The Media W uses two 4.3-inch qHD displays on the front and the back of the device that folds open to offer a much larger viewing screen. The hardware packs in a dual-core Snapdragon S4 processor (MSM 8960), 1GB of RAM and a 2,100 mAh battery. It might not be the power house device that the HTC One is, but is seems to fair well. If you notice the home screen in the video, it looks pretty stock in terms of Android UI. The model you see is a Japanese only model, but they also have a global version that they plan to announce as well.  Chances of seeing it official for a carrier are pretty slim, but you could pick up an unlocked version if your heart does desire.

While the internals might not be an Android junkie dream device, the abilities that the dual screen offers is pretty amazing. Larger screen for maps and navigation, GMail inbox on one side and a conversation on the other and playing games on a larger screen without sacrificing pocketable ability and use as a normal phone. Not to mention seeing your home screen and the next screen over at the same time. It really gives you some real estate and access to a lot more information and still slips into your pocket. I do wonder about scratching the screens though since they are both on the outside of the device. That would really make me hesitant to set my phone down on a table or something.

Take a quick look at the video and see what you think.


Nice job guys.

Source: Phandroid