
Quick look: Autopilot, helps save your Battery

I stumbled across this application by Verobapps, and was rather impressed by the idea. The application is called Autopilot, the design is simple and what it does is very simple as well. The application will automatically switch your phone into airplane mode when in very low or no signal areas, to help prevent your phone from excessive battery drain when in those locations.

As you can see the set up is very easy. They have tested this out on the Vibrant, Ally, Fascinate, Captivate and DROID, all with great success. The app should work on all CDMA and GSM Android devices.

If you happen to live or work in some of those wonderful areas that have less then adequate signal available, this application just might be the answer to your battery woes. Feel free to pick this app below and give it a try.

Click or Scan the QRCode below to find out more information about the Autopilot application.

Summary and Downloads:

Application: Autopilot
Developer: Verobapps
Cost: FREE