
Quick Look: Homescreen 3D, a New Twist to a Visual Home Application

I found another new twist on our beloved home screens called Homescreen 3D. This application takes on a whole new look and feel. I can’t personally make this my new home replacement app just yet as I believe that it still has a long way to go, but it sure is nice to see more developers looking to step out of the box of normal ideas and build something a little crazy. It has kind of an iPhone type overlay; by this I mean you can add all your apps to the home screens and scroll through them.

Take a look at the video below from Lee Felarca on Vimeo and you can see why this one is so visually appealing.

It runs pretty smooth on my Samsung Vibrant. I was able to easily add apps, rearrange them on the home screens and use all of the current settings of the application.  There is a free and a paid version available on the Android Market, but I have only given the free version a run, which is fully functioning.  If you like it, please buy the full version to help support the developer and keep things moving forward.

Go ahead and grab the free version from the Android Market by clicking or scanning the QR Code below and don’t forget to leave comments for the developer.